MBLEx Flashcards

Flashcards are a great way to test your knowledge and enhance learning of topics such as anatomy and physiology, kinesiology, and massage contraindications. Massage exam flashcards are a useful addition to any study plan or to stimulate discussion at small group study sessions.

This proven study tool promotes learning through active recall and information retrieval. Flashcards are part of a comprehensive massage exam study plan, which should also include MBLEx practice tests and quizzes, independent reading, hands-on practice, and group discussions.

The MBLExGuide flashcards were designed specifically for massage students and practicing therapists who need to pass the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam. They have been grouped by content area to help give you an idea of what kind of content is in each section. Our flashcards work great from any computer or mobile device.

Anatomy and Physiology

Test your knowledge of the Anatomy & Physiology section of the MBLEx with these flashcards
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Test your knowledge of the Kinesiology section of the MBLEx with these flashcards
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Pathology, Contraindications, Areas of Caution, Special Populations

Test your knowledge of the Pathology & Contraindications section of the MBLEx with these flashcards
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Benefits & Physiological Effects of Techniques that Manipulate Soft Tissue

Test your knowledge of the Massage Benefits and Physiological Effects section of the MBLEx with these flashcards
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Client Assessment, Reassessment & Treatment Planning

Test your knowledge of the Client Assessment and Treatment Planning section of the MBLEx with these flashcards
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Ethics, Boundaries, Laws & Regulations

Test your knowledge of the Massage Ethics, Boundaries, Laws and Regulations section of the MBLEx with these flashcards
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Guidelines for Professional Practice

Test your knowledge of the Guidelines for Professional Practice section of the MBLEx with these flashcards
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Muscle Flashcards

Learn muscle origins, insertions and actions with our Muscle Flashcards. Each MBLEx Guide membership (Gold, Silver & Bronze) includes 115 muscle flashcards to help you ace the kinesiology section of the massage licensing exam.

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Study Plan?

Start preparing for the MBLEx the easy way with this comprehensive and organized study plan. It's a great way to get started, and it's free

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